Kobo wanted to increase the percentage of ocean plastics, but using more than they are employing is a fire hazard due to the lithium-ion battery generating heat. The Elipsa 2E uses 85% recycled ocean plastics, like those found on water bottles, old CDs, and DVDs. Kobo has continued with the trend of using environmentally friendly hardware and retail packaging. There is a new processor architecture, providing a huge increase in single-core speed and increasing power efficiency. The Kobo Pen has been redesigned, it is 25% lighter, making it easier to hold for long writing sessions, a dedicated eraser at the top, is a great way to remove errant mistakes. The front-lit display has been upgraded from a Comrtfortlight to Comfortlight Pro, providing better illumination for warm and cool colours. There have been a few massive improvements to this model, that the first-generation Elipsa did not have. The Rakuten Kobo Elipsa 2e is their second shot at a large-screen e-paper display that is primarily geared towards taking notes, freehand drawing, annotating PDF files and editing ebooks.